A place where affordable products are at the pinnacle of our existence. A place where staying naturally you or taking the plunge to do so doesn't have to be limited by affordability. A place where carefully selected products have you at the forefront of our existence.
My Story

Ever since I can remember I have been on my hair care journey. Haircare has always been part of my culture. Taking care of my hair was taught through generations of women in my family; swirling your hair and wearing a head stocking was evident and the method of caring for your hair was passed on from woman to woman.
Being South African, I came from a country where hair care is diverse and multicultural. Hair expression is at the forefront of every woman's priority. We may not have done it right, but then again who says that there is a right and wrong way. The relationship with my hair in its most natural state started over a year ago when I discovered the curly girl method. This was another layer added to my multi-layer of generational knowledge. Following the method was definitely Exciting, Frustrating, Disappointing, an Obsession and Educational all wrapped up into one Curl Frenzy.
This lifelong obsession with my hair and my natural hair journey sparked the basis of this website and Naturally Woke was born! A website to bring you affordably priced products, and products for all types of hair be you wavy, kinky, curly or coily. I have changed a few rules since becoming more confident in caring for my hair, I don't follow the CGM religiously anymore as I have tweaked it to suit my lifestyle. I don't wear my hair natural all of the time, but I haven't compromised on using great products. So to my non-conformers this website has been created for you, you may not always wear your hair naturally and that's OK but you can still use great products as self-care = self-love.